28 February 2015

Shangri-La (English Lyrics)

Game: Corpse Party
Original Vocals: Asami Imai


My English Cover:

"As long as we all have a little piece of Sachiko with us, we'll always be connected with one another as friends."

It's been long, hasn't it? Since our journey began...
That promise that we made, the day when you and I met.

If given the choice I would rather rot in an ark and throw myself
Over and drown, I'd rather sink within the tides of beautiful lies!

I need you here but you're nowhere near.
I wonder where you have gone?
I'll run from it, I'm not ready yet to see and discover the truth.

This requiem is echoing
with screams of birds without their wings;
They cannot fly away.
Shangri-la within my heart...

12 February 2015

Everybrony's Dream (Everything At Once Parody)

As sly as Discord, as strong as Will,
As fast as Dashie, as brave as Daring Do
As free as Braeburn, as neat as Aloe.
As quiet as Fluttershy, as big as Macintosh

All I wanna be, all I wanna be, oh
All I wanna be... Is everypony....

As mean as Gilda, as sharp as Spike,
As deep as the bass (Vinyl), as dark as Luna's night
As sweet as a princess (Cadence), as right as a wrong (Derpy).
As long as a sing song (Sweetie Belle), as ugly as a changling.

As pretty as Rarity, Cheerilee and Fleur dis lee.
Strong Apple family, you're gonna love me!
Bright as Twilight, as light as Breezie,
As hard as AJ, grand as the gala!

All I wanna be, all I wanna be, oh
All I wanna be... Is everypony....
Everybrony's dream!
Everybrony's dream, oh
Everybrony's dream!

As warm as Applebloom, silly as Pinkie.
As cool as Sunset, as scary as Tirek.
As hot as B****n's Mom, as cold as Maud,
Sugarcube corner and all the brony fandom.

As old as Granny, as great as Trixie,
As royal as Celestia, as buzzed as Scootaloo,
As stealthy as the Doctor, smooth as Flash Sentry,
As pure as friendship; elements of harmony.

All I wanna be, oh
All I wanna be, oh
All I wanna be... Is everypony....
Everybrony's dream!